Shook, Robert L.

How to be the complete professional salesperson / Robert L. Shook. - Delhi (India): Pustak Mahal, 200? - 191 páginas; 22 cm

So you want to be a salesperson -- The costumer: your bread and butter -- Mental attitude: "the power of positive thinking" -- Why people buy -- Selling pattern -- Let's put shownanship into your salesmanship -- Appearance and sales etiquette -- The time element -- Knowing the territory -- Sizing up your prospect -- The role of the salesperson's spouse -- "Being important" is very important -- "Reverse" in selling -- The art of handling rebuttals -- Control selling -- The close (The money-maker) -- Extra ammuntion -- Listening is part of efective selling -- Selling " intangibles" -- Practice, parctice, practice ... and then parctice some more -- Keping physically fit -- The salesperson's compensation -- Total commitment --The complete professional salesperson


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