Brock, Oliver

Robotics: science and systems IV / editores Oliver Brock, Jeff Trinkle and Fabio Ramos - Cambridge (Massachusetts): The MIT Press (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), 2009. - 317 páginas: ilustraciones; 28 cm

Referencias al final de los capítulos

Multi-sensor lane finding in urban road networks -- Laser and visión based outdoor object mapping -- Fast probabilistic labeling of city maps -- clustering sensor data for terrain identification using a Windowless algorithm -- Distributed localization of modular robot ensembles -- Controlling shapers of ensembles of robots of finite size with Nonholonomic constraints -- Stochastic recruirtment: a limited-feedback control policy for large ensemble systems -- Prior data and kernel conditional random fields for obstacle detection -- SARSOP: efficiente point-based POMDP planning by approximating optimally reachable belief spaces -- Detection of principal directions in unknown environments for autonomous navigation -- Approximation schemes for two-player pousuit evasion games with visibility constraints -- A numerically robust LCP solver for simulating articulated rigid boides in contac -- Hybrid motin planning using Minkowski sums -- Bridging the gap of abstraction for probabilistic decision making on a multi-modal service robot -- Adaptive body scheme models for robust robotic manipulation -- Bering-only control laws for balanced circular formations of ground robots -- CPG-based control of a turtle-like underwater vehicle -- HyPE: Hybrid particle-element approach for rercursive bayesian searching-and-tracking -- Abstraction and algoritms for cooperative multiple robot planar manipulation -- A local collision avoidance method for non-strictly convex polyhedra -- BiSpace planning: concurrent multi-space exploration -- Structural improvement filtering strategy for PRM -- Model based vehicle tracking for autonomous driving in urban environments -- Improving localization robustness in monocular SLAM ising a high-speed camera -- Simplex-tree based kinematics of foldable objects as multi-body systems involving loops -- fMRI-compatible robotic interfaces with fluidic actuation -- Proofs and experiments in scalable, near-optimal search by multiple robots -- Planning long dynamically-feasible maneuvers for autonomous vehicles -- Friction-induced velocity fields for point parts sliding on a rigid oscillated plate -- Metastable walking on stochastically rough terrain -- Target enumeration via integration over planar sensor networks -- Using recognition to guide a robot's attention -- Learning to manipulate articulated objects in unstructured environments using a grounded relationa representation -- Learning to manipulate articulated objects in unstructured environments using a grounded relational representation -- High performance outdoor navigation from overhead data using imitation learning -- Classifying dynamic objects: an usupervised learning approach -- Probabilistic models of object geometry for grasp planning -- Dymamic modeling for stick slip motion in an untethered magnetic micro-robot -- Super-flexible skin sensors embedded on the whole body, self-organizing based on haptic interactions -- NnoNewton force sensing and control microrobotic cell manipulation -- Gas distribution modeling using sparse gaussian process mixture models



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