Crime Scene Management within Forensic Science. Forensic Techniques for Criminal Investigations

Jaskaran Singh, Neeta Raj Sharma

Crime Scene Management within Forensic Science. Forensic Techniques for Criminal Investigations - 418 páginas; 17x24 cm

Forensic DNA analysis: a powerful investigative tool -- Death acre: tales of dead body land -- Small size, big impact: insects for cadaver examination -- Dermatoglyplics and other impressions: deciphering the potential of a unique hominid niche -- Postmorten toxicology: a facet of drugs to expedite crimes -- Forensic biology: a passport for biologial evidence -- Sexual offences: recent methods of investigation -- Investigation of disaster victim identificaction -- Review on clinical forensic medicine -- Firearms and ammunitions: a sentient approach to criminal investigation -- Digital and cyber forensics: a contemporary evolution in forensic sciences -- Fire investigation: arson or accidental -- Psychological evaluations: an indoor game of criminal minds -- Competence of evidences: a pragmatic approach court o law -- Penology: a friend or foe for criminal justice system -- Chain of custody: scaling the investigation to the event


Ciencias forenses
Investigación criminal

363.25 / S617

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